Thursday, June 17, 2010


It is wonderful to connect with old friends and make new ones. I went to a birthday dinner last night with Nawal, who is my friend that I lived with two summers ago. I enjoyed spending the evening with her family and catching up on how much has changed as well as how much has stayed the same. I just love the new friends I have made here at Wi'am Center. They are wonderful, and we are always laughing about something, even if things get lost in translation! This first picture of Nawal and me, and the second picture is of me with the Mayor of Bethlehem. Okay, so I am not a personal friend of his, but I did get to meet him, and I feel quite honored to have had tea with him!


Anonymous said...


You would have loved this weekend at MPPC. Fahed Abu Akel preached and talked to us about the Palestine - Israel conflict from an Palestinian Presbyterian Ministers point of view. He held a seminar Sunday afternoon and had about 100 people from the community attend.


Don Horres

Anonymous said...


Have been thinking of you and praying for your work and your safety. Looks like you are having a fun and blessed summer. Can't wait to hear about your experiences and see your pictures. Know that you are missed at home and we look forward to seeing you when you return.

Cindy Ecleberry